
Scan product barcodes and get personalized recommendations on whether to avoid or consume a product, based on allergies, intolerances, and dietary restrictions.

Early access in Estonia

Don't let allergies catch you by surprise

Scan barcode instead of reading small product labels to quickly find ingredients.
Make shopping less time-consuming and laborious.

Make it easier to adopt new eating habits

Get guidance to form new & healthy eating habits in response to food intolerances.

Overcome the difficulties of Dietary restrictions

Monitor food intake and maintain appropriate levels of energy & macronutrient consumption easier.

60 hours per year

We spend a huge amount of time and effort to read the small product labels. And of course, is much more serious in case of allergies or unwillingness to consume harmful food additives. Leave this work to us, we will do it fast and with joy!

Save your time and effort
by using our application

What you can't<br> tolerate

What you can't

The Food Filter app enables you to quickly determine if a product contains any substances that may be harmful or intolerable. By scanning the barcode with the app, you can obtain all the necessary information about the product.


Calculator helps keeping track of consumed energy, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Add your own meals, it is very convenient! History will remember all the foods that you have eaten recently, it really helps to identify your allergy.

Dietary <br>Calculator

Who benefits the most from the app?

Parents 🔥

Parents 🔥

Are you spending a lot of time at home cooking, and wondering why you're gaining weight? Well, worry no more! You can easily keep track of the amount of food you consume.


Young people

Say goodbye to tedious and uninspiring methods for developing healthy eating habits! With FoodFilter, you can establish proper eating habits and enjoy high-quality food.

Vegetarians 🔥

Vegetarians 🔥

Simplify the process of finding suitable products and sticking to a specific diet. All you need to do is add a few preferences to your profile.

Allergic people 🔥

Allergic people 🔥

Say goodbye to the struggle of finding safe food and avoiding harmful options, thanks to the FoodFilter app!



With help of FoodFilter, it’s easy to keep the correct energy and macronutrients consumption level as an important part of the training.

Religious people 🔥

Religious people 🔥

It’s difficult to find the right food while staying in a foreign country. FoodFilter will help you to eat without breaking religious rules and/or limitations.

Grocery store owners

Grocery store owners

Grocery stores can create a business account that will help clients easily find specific food in it.

Владельцам ресторанов

Restaurant owners

Restaurants can simplify the search for specific dishes for those who suffer from some food allergies or intolerances.

Free plan

  • Support of 2 diets
  • 1 allergy alarm
  • 3 intolerances tracker


*in-app advertisement

For you only

  • Support of 3 diets
  • 4 allergies alarm
  • 7 intolerances  tracker

2.99 €/m

*No Ads!

Ideal for Family

No limitations on:

  • Diets
  • Allergies
  • Intolerances

4.99 €/m

*No Ads!

For restaurants

  • Add your food place name, address, picture, contact data and menu.
  • Become discoverable for your potential customers.
  • Add the full nutrition summary and ingredients list to all of your foods.
  • Trial time 14 days.
  • Up to 200 foods per place:

Yearly subscription



Be the first to know!

Investors and our best friends, please subscribe to be the first to know about FoodFilter new features or a new round of investments!

No spam ;)

Search food
on map

Tired to cook at home? Found yourself in a foreign city, where everybody speaks unknown language? Choose yourself one of restaurant meals, which was approved by users with the same food restrictions as yours.

Two user types


Private account

"Avocados" can add their food intolerances and find the corresponding products in shops or meals in restaurants nearby. They can also use calorie calculator and its history function.


Commercial profile

"Oranges" can calculate and publish food energy and detailed composition of their restaurant meals. Thus customers will see these meals on the map, and most likely will visit yours, not a neighborhood restaurant.

Hi, my name is Ernest!

I earned my Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.Sc.) degree in Food Chemistry and Biochemistry.

A few years ago, after witnessing friends experience severe food allergies and finding no working solutions to check food for suspicious ingredients, I came up with the idea of creating an app to assist safer eating for people with allergies and food limitations.

Since then, I have been tirelessly developing FoodFilter, using my expertise in Food Chemistry to create an effective and user-friendly product. I'm passionate about helping people with allergies and food limitations and committed to making FoodFilter a valuable pocket assistant.

Hi, my name is Ernest!

Do you have
a question or
a proposal?

Briefly describe your question and we will contact you shortly

Food Filter - the best assistant for people paying attention to what they eat!

Early access in Estonia